Global Voices: How Canadians can make a difference in 2019
New Year’s resolutions tend to be personal. We promise to get to bed earlier, put down our devices or shed that five pounds of holiday turkey and latkes. This year, we’re thinking bigger. What if we...
View ArticleThe Dakota Winters is part fantasy, part social history
Jamie Portman The Dakota Winters Tom Barbash HarperCollins The more John Lennon roams the pages of Tom Barbash’s new novel, The Dakota Winters, the more real he becomes. Moreover, his appearances are...
View ArticleA new Roald to Alaska awaits
Hurtigruten set to bring latest liner to west coastal waters in summer 2020 I love setting sail on all kinds of cruises, but I particularly enjoy trying out small, boutique lines that aren’t as...
View ArticlePop Forecast for Jan. 14: M. Night Shyamalan’s Glass hits theatres
“You don’t need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows,” Bob Dylan sang. But these days, a guide through the seemingly endless flurry of pop culture offerings is just what we need. With that in...
View ArticleGlobal Voices: Tips for arguing productively
We’ve all been there, waist-deep in an argument with a relative about Black Lives Matter, immigration policy or the Me Too movement — maybe all three at once. We convince ourselves we’re right. Then...
View ArticlePop Forecast for Jan. 21: Serenity, The Kid Who Would be King
“You don’t need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows,” Bob Dylan sang. But these days, a guide through the seemingly endless flurry of pop culture offerings is just what we need. With that in...
View ArticleKISS End of the Road Tour Contest
Enter for your chance to see KISS End of the road tour – the FINAL tour EVER in Toronto on March 20th.
View ArticleAlita Battle Angel Contest
Enter for your chance to WIN one of 25 admission passes to a Alita Battle Angel – In theatres on February 14th!
View ArticleGlobal Voices: How to be a better ally
Movements like Black Lives Matter, Idle No More and Me Too are still fighting the toxic effects of historic oppression. Meanwhile, some of us benefit from those same systems. If that includes you, you...
View ArticleCruise to Greenland, with love
I’ve always been excited about finding new and interesting itineraries. Even before I started writing about cruises, I’d spend hours poring over brochures and internet websites, looking for those...
View ArticleMaui’s O’o Farm offers fresh Hawaiian experience
Liane Faulder When folks travel to Maui, they’re usually going for sand and sun. But during a recent trip to Kihei, a city of 21,000 located on the island’s western shore, we found not only great eats...
View ArticlePop Forecast for Jan. 28: Russian Doll, The ABC Murders and more
“You don’t need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows,” Bob Dylan sang. But these days, a guide through the seemingly endless flurry of pop culture offerings is just what we need. With that in...
View ArticleBooks for Kids: A Velocity of Being brings epic joy
Bernie Goedhart A Velocity of Being Edited by Maria Popova & Claudia Bedrick Enchanted Lion Books Age 10 and older Years ago, when tablets and Kindles first gained popularity as a substitute for...
View ArticleGlobal Voices: Social enterprise addresses rural challenges
New York has no shortage of beer. So why did a busload of New Yorkers cross the border to visit a tiny brewery in the town of Bayfield, Ont.? It wasn’t just for the superior suds. They came to see its...
View ArticleJUNOS Contest
Enter for a chance to WIN a Red Carpet experience for you and a friend at the JUNOS in London, Ontario.
View ArticleDo newer, bigger ships mean better vacations?
There are nearly a dozen new cruise ships launching this year, and that doesn’t even begin to include the new vessels for much of the world’s river cruise fleet. There are big, bold new ships like...
View ArticlePop Forecast for Feb. 4: Cold Pursuit, What Men Want and more
“You don’t need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows,” Bob Dylan sang. But these days, a guide through the seemingly endless flurry of pop culture offerings is just what we need. With that in...
View ArticleGlobal Voices: How can white allies honour Black History Month?
We got to thinking about Black History Month when we were talking to Dr. David Campt, creator of the White Ally Toolkit. We realized how rarely white people recognize our privilege in treating the...
View ArticleCelebrity broadens its North American horizons for 2020
After years of criss-crossing over to Europe, I seem to find myself taking cruises that depart from closer and closer to home. It turns out I’m not alone: North Americans are increasingly trying to...
View ArticleMichael Bublé Contest
Enter for a chance you for you and a friend to experience Michael Bublé live in Las Vegas.
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